sabato 27 settembre 2008

is school a cave?

This is my comment to mr. Philpot's blog: 
Plato's myth of the cave is a smart analogy of what we think "reality" is, but I don't think that the school is comparable to the cave because, in the myth, the cave it's a prison where ignorant people live in. For Plato, the one the goes outside of the cave is the wise one, the philosopher, and his purpose is to come back and tell the other people what's outside of the cave: THAT is, in my opinion, the role of the school. School is teaching us an idea, a vague idea, of what the world is like, and that should give us the will and the curiosity ti break free from the chains of ignorance and go outside in the real world to see for ourselves and look for the knowledge. School is something very dynamical, a place where a continuous exchange of opinion take place, and that's why it cannot be considered a cave, where everything is dark and fixed. The importance of the role of the school does not rely on the things it's teaching, that may be as well true or false or incomplete, but on its purpose of making people interested in what happens around them, of going outside their little world, and being prepared to explore and investigate everything that surrounds them. Plato also said that it may be that we are not ready yet to face the outside world, because the truth is sometimes incomprehensible to our minds: our role is to find our truth, our answers between the shadows and the lights. As Socrates said, the unexamined life is not worth living.

1 commento:

  1. ma hitler non lavorava al mercato! svarion expression used this morning, we are not nazists at all anyway! Platone (plato seems the Disney's character) ci sta passando fin sopra i capelli, lui plotino e lorenzo de medici (direbbe brother broke in the ass- in italian rotto in culo)
    this blog is a bit out to lunch (idiomatic expression learnt this summer in London)
    habeo terminatus res scribendas indi a lot of kisses to you
    funga is drawing tha bagleba's flower
    oi barbaroi, sketeinos, apeiron, teuxomai
    we love you as always
