domenica 23 novembre 2008

Do animals use language?

On pages 79-82 you can read a discussion between Dolly and Guy. The question of concerns is whether or not animals have language. In your blog, summarize the arguments that both make and give your own opinion on the matter. 

In the dialogue it's discussed the topic of language, communication and animals. What is the difference between language and communication? Is there a difference? Do animals use language or it's just communication?
At the beginning of the dialogue Guy say that the question is badly formulated, because the word 'animal' covers a spectrum of living beings from amoebae to apes and human beings. Since human beings are animals, and since our mean of communication is language, then is "trivially true that animals have language". But he doesn't think amoebae have a lot to say for themselves. Then the two, Guy and Dolly, discuss whether or not it can be said that some animals have a "rudimentary form of language". Dolly bring up such examples as dances bees do to "talk" about nectar, differents alarm calls vervet monkeys use, chimpanzees being taught American sign language or how to communicate through a keyboard with more than 200 symbols on it representing words; Guy main counter-arguments are that animals can exchange only information relevant to their own survival, that by teaching an animal to use a form of language you get too emotional to be objective, that no animal can talk about abstract things such as the past, the future or the meaning of life and that is because animals which are not human beings are simply not built for language.     
My opinion on this topic is that language it's surely a form of communication, but not all communication is language. Communication is an exchange of information and it can happen between things and living beings, for example when we buy something from a vending machine, but in order do be defined language, a form of communication has to be: rule-governed, intended, creative and open-ended. Animals doesn't use such thing. They can't even think of such thing as language! Even though a monkey taught by scientists can learn some words, it can teach this words to other monkeys, which proves the point that they can't understand what language is all about.I think that the people who say "how do you know that the can't talk between each other? you have no evidence to disprove it!" are just using an argument ad ignorantiam, which does not help to go far in discussions of any kind. 
I also think that scientists who spend their life with monkeys trying to teach them a language should do something more useful for the human community such as looking for cures to cancer instead of projecting human qualities into animals. They should also let animals free of living their lifes instead of making experiments on them depriving them of the joys of the jungle. 
We all need to accept that human beings are extremely different from the other beings of the animal kingdom, that if other animals could think just as similar as an human being does, they would probably have more advanced forms of society. 
Somewhere in the bible it's written "Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and give to God what is God’s". Give to animals what belongs to animals, which is communication, and give to human beings what is human beings', which is language.

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